
General Education Courses

General Education Courses

Which courses meet my Gen Ed Requirements?

To see a list of all of the courses available at SM经典合集 for each General Education category, go to My Maricopa SM经典合集.

  • Click on Find A Class (located under SM经典合集)
  • Select the semester and SM经典合集
  • Then click More Search Options
  • Additional search categories will display. At the end of this list is a section labeled General Ed Designations. Click on the category that you want and click Search.

This will produce a list of available courses that satisfy each category. 

Please note that these are the Gen Ed categories required for AGEC in AA, AS and ABUS degrees. General Education requirements for AAS and AGS degrees and specific university majors may vary. Refer to your program checksheet and the SM经典合集 catalog for complete degree requirements. 

The General Education categories are:

First-Year Composition (FYC)
Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L)
Mathematics (MA)
Computer/Statistics/Quantitative Applications (CS)
Humanities and Fine Arts (HU)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (SB)
Natural Sciences Quantitative (SQ)
Natural Sciences General (SG)
Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C)
Global Awareness (G)
Historical Awareness (H)

The entire list of AGEC courses is available on t:
Questions? Contact your academic advisor.